About us

Who are we?

CARE FOR ALL is national wide, voluntary, not for individual profits, independent, and nonpolitical organization run by individuals who desire to bring sustainable development to the marginalized Tanzanian society. Its members are interested in development issues, hardworking, and equality within the society. CARE FOR ALL does not discriminate based on physical disability, creed and religion, gender, ethnic, sex or social orientation.

What we do?

We have grouped the activities of the organization in the following broad categories for the sake of discussion; however, there are obvious overlaps between some of these activities:

  • Treatment: care and rehabilitation

    The programs include a spectrum of activities such as individual and group counseling, vocational rehabilitation and livelihood skills training, cognitive retraining, family support and counseling, self-help groups, recreation and leisure activities.

  • Community-based activities and prevention

    We initiate and coordinate Projects and programs which will encourage youth to access information about new opportunities and challenges under globalization and regional integration protocols, so that to be able to take advantages of those opportunities when they occurs and prepare for the best methods to tackle those challenges.

  • Research and training

    Actively invest in the development of skills of the staff and of other stakeholder groups. Participation in workshops, conferences and seminars, and formal training in courses such as rehabilitation are often offered as opportunities for career development.

  • Advocacy and empowerment

    We adopt methods to enhance the effectiveness of care through empowerment of affected persons and their families.